Pet Dry Shampoo

RM25.00 MYR

Pets Dry Shampoo物干洗粉
If you’re looking for a shampoo for cats but don’t want to use water, consider our dry shampoo for pets! Natural ingredients, using rosemary essential oil + oatmeal +catnip herb to keep pets coats cleans, improve appearance, and control odors. To use, sprinkle a healthy amount of dry shampoo over your pets, work the shampoo through your dog’s coat with your fingers, lets the shampoo sit for around 5min. This gives the powder time to soak up the oils and odors from his/her skin and fur. Work the brush through your pet’s fur to remove the bulk of dry shampoo mixture.
如果你再找适合猫咪的沐浴乳,但是毛宝贝怕水所以不想用水那么麻烦,那你可以考虑我们家的干洗粉 !使用纯天然原料 ,包括了迷迭香精油+燕麦+猫薄荷草来帮助保持毛发干净,清洁,也可以改善臭味问题。使用方法非常简单,适量撒在宠物毛发上,并用手拨开,让粉末在皮肤毛发上静置5分钟左右,让粉末可味道和皮肤上的油脂吸收出来。最后再用梳子把肮脏的粉末给梳干净即刻。


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: No refund or exchange for this product after purchased

: This product will send by using Poslaju Malaysia

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